‘Free Students’ condemn raid on student house

‘Free Students’ condemn raid on student house
الرابط المختصر

Free Students Group has expressed its anger after security forces restricted student freedoms, as well as violating their rights and hindering their activities. Security forces have also interfered in the students’ affairs as they tried to stop student Ziyad Jubeh from practicing his rights as a student.

The Group has issued a statement explaining what happened with Jubeh when the forces called him in light of the sit-in organized at the engineering collage at the Polytechnic University, which called for independence from Balqaa Applied University and improved freedoms for its students. The security forces raided the house when Ziyad did not respond to their demands.

The Group has added that it deplored what happened to the student Ziyad, especially in light of the promises of reform and openness of the political powers and activities that achieve it. The statement also focused on the seriousness of decisive action for change.

The statement warned about the negative consequences of such policies that leave no room for democracy. Changing winds have blown and youth are now leading the way to freedom in the near future.

All this came in light at the sit-in held last Wednesday as a protest against the bad services at the college of engineering, calling for improvements in registration for the upcoming semesters, independent financial administration, updating the PCs at the computer lab, providing access to new tools and equipment, and other basic needs.

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