Men's myths about sexual harrasment

الرابط المختصر

Many men in the Arab world are living in a delison far away from the reality that every Arab woman lives in. This group of men have convinced themselves that ather are no daily problems in this aspect. In order to justify these thoughts they go to unscientific and illogical lengths that are not based on any concrete evidence.

One of these is the belief that a veiled woman or a 'modestly' dressed woman will not be the victim of sexual harrasment whether it be vile language or physical harrasment. This myth allows the Arab man to use as a weapon against his sister or his wife in determining the type of clothes she wears.

This is all done as a way to justify the harrasment of any girl or woman who is dressed improperly in their eyes. This lie has been transmitted over the years to the degree that it has become ingraved as a reality in the minds or those who chose to close their eyes to the opposing reality that has been proven through scientifc research.

In 2013, UN Women published a report stating that 99.3% of Egyptian women have been the victims of one kind or another of sexual harrasment even though most Egyptian women wear the hijab (veil).

In 2014 Al-Monitor published a study revealing that 80% of Saudi women beween the ages of 18-48 have been the victims of sexual harrasment. It is known what all women in Saudi Arabia wear the loose 'abai dress and the head scarf all all times or else they would be punished. So the question that needs to be asked is where are all these men from the facts revealed in these studies and how are these truth denied?

The world in which these Arab men live in are hugely different from the world that Arab women live in. They are unable to see the reality or to absorb the reasons that bar them from noticing or hearing the reality of harrasment that their cloest kin face .

While many of the women and girls face these harrasments and violations in large numbers, most of them choose not to register any complaints. The reason is obvious. They know that they might be punished if they report as if they are the ones committing the violation. How many women have been raped and ended up dying as a way to defend the family 'honor?' How many women were forced to be quite for fear of the scandale as if she is the guilty party? Isn't a scandale that the victim is punished while the guilty party is free as he watched society justifying his dirty crime?

If women don't register a complaint about the daily harrasment that they are facing doesn't mean that it doesn't exist but it is a reflection that there is an absence of the kind of support mechanism that is needed to demand their rights and it is an indication of an unjust power that adds to the pain rather than relieving it.

This reality might not please this group of men because it threatends their power and their dominion over their women and it robs them of their overused justifications to defend their mistakes while at the same time controlling the way their sisters and wives look under the pretects that they are trying to protect them.

But it is impossible to deny the reality for ever and it is impossible to convince men of this issue until we can convinced all women who participate in this male dominated reprssive regime by repeating defending and adocating these backward ideas.

All that people need to  do in order to realise the truth is to get their heads out of the sane and to look at the reality away from their superficial look at the world. They need to look away from these myths and realise the truth which they have ignored for so long.

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