
Not in My Name

In a radio interview I heard last Thursday, an intellectual Pakistani man living in Britain spoke about his transformation from a Muslim belonging to a Salafist family (according to his own

The Lessons of Jules Jammal

I wonder about the boy crossing every day, on his way to school, a street in the Dokki district of Cairo. He sees on the wall of one of the buildings a small blue sign that reads, “Jules Jammal Street

The embassy and homosexuality

While public anger erupted with regard to the participation of the U.S. Ambassador to Jordan in a meeting to discuss the rights of homosexual and transgender people two weeks ago, none of the protests

?States or Militias

Clashes conceive battles, battles give birth to wars, wars spread death and this continues on, ending with choking on the blood of humans and suffocating on the fires of cities! 50 percent of Syrian