Yellow Satellite

Yellow Satellite
الرابط المختصر

We thought that the retraction of the print newspapers will also deal a blow to yellow journalism. Yellow journalism which is built on sensational news with lots of lies and exaggerations has now been replaced by yellow satellite television. These new yellow satellites live on the slandering, insulting and defaming everyone who talks about democracy, justice and human rights. This sleazy path is not aimed at convicting the viewer or debating those they disagree with. They don’t say, for example oppression is better than democracy or violating the dignity of a human being is better than respecting it. They make their money simply by insulting the other regardless if their reputation was good or bad. The owners of these media outlets hire those with ethical and value problems who have broken the record in the low quality of professionalism and are given time on air to spew their content which is nothing more than screaming and cheap attacks against educated and highly intelligent individuals. Today after I had the honor of participating in a very humble way in the campaign that was led  by the women’s and rights movement in my country to cancel clause 308.  I was proud of what was accomplished by the movement which was beautifully united. But some out of tune voices were suddenly unleashed. I will not deal with those who had one opinion and changed it. What I want to talk about is the dangerous emergency of a media that is simply trying to become popular by taking opposite point of view. These people who are empty of any idea or thought look at the human rights and justice stream and begins a campaign to go against it. This stream is active on social media and their opposition point of view becomes trendy on twitter and facebook. What worries me is the fact that the genuine progressive rights stream is being pulled into an empty and contentious debate just because some debaters choose to pull the direction a particular opposing way simply to gain fame. We need to learn from our grandparents that screaming doesn’t stop the caravan from moving and that we are the people of pluralism and diversity that is built of respecting the other. As to those who have sensitive placed that are criticizing those who have initiated the movement to cancel clause 308 as having set agendas and are being funded by outsiders I tell them the following: I ask them to look carefully at the place or hall where they are sitting and from where they go and come back to in order to see the size of foreign funding in all of that. For those who live in glass houses should be careful when they throw stones at others.  

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