Increasing censorship irks Jordanians

Increasing censorship irks Jordanians
الرابط المختصر

One of the most open countries in the Middle East flirts with Internet regulations.

AMMAN, Jordan — At midnight on a brisk February evening, Imad al-Ash heard a knock at his door. He opened it to find what many Jordanians fear most — a force of nearly 40 agents from the country’s shadowy intelligence organization, known here as the mukhabarat.

Falling on the wrong side of the mukhabarat — which performs both international and domestic intelligence — strikes terror into even the most hardened enemies of Jordan.

But Al-Ash was far from the typical religious extremist or criminal that might draw the agency’s attention. A fifth year computer science student at the University of Jordan, he was not an activist and, although a devout Muslim, he steered clear of fundamentalist groups.

Why the mukhabarat had come to raid his family’s upscale home was a mystery to him.

The mukhabarat eventually accused Al-Ash of posting critical remarks about the king’s policies on a jihadi website, something Al-Ash steadfastly denies. Defaming or slandering the royals here is a crime, but without a copy of the post in question, it was his word against a single agent.

Despite having no hard evidence that Al-Ash had written the post, a military tribunal sentenced the student to two years in prison. He’s now appealing to Jordan’s Supreme Court.

While his case has taken place largely in the shadows of Jordan’s legal system, it highlights a growing concern here about the government’s role in censoring the Internet.

Though it is one of the more transparent countries in the Middle East, Jordan has struggled to find a balance between free speech and the its antiquated restrictions on the internet as more and more of its citizens go online.

“In the old media, it was easier for the government to control the content, but the internet has now given the ordinary citizen an unprecedented opportunity to be a journalist,” said Yahia Shukkeir, a local journalist and expert on media and internet censorship in Jordan.

Late last month, the government took its biggest step so far toward regulating the internet, endorsing an amended cyber crimes law. The original draft law stirred up considerable controversy in large part because of an article that would have made it legal to fine residents up to $2,800 if they “intentionally [sent] or [disseminated] data or information via the internet or any information system that [involved] defamation, contempt or slander of any person.”

The vagueness of the article had a number of local commentators worried the article was too broad, which could create a means for the government to further crack down on seemingly private mediums such as instant messenger.

Although the article was eventually removed the final draft, Samir Rifai, Jordan’s prime minister, is known for his distrust of the media and might have been testing the waters to see what level of restrictions he could get away with, said Shukkeir.

Mohammad Qutaishat, a media rights lawyer in Amman, said if the government of Jordan wanted to censor the internet there isn’t much stopping it. The internet, he said, is delivered to the country via two central networks and the mukhabarat could easily use them as control points to determine what content can enter Jordan.

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