I will come again

I will come again
الرابط المختصر

I’ve been back for a while, after visiting Petra -  my second time – I just can’t have enough of it.  Even calling it ‘the world wonder’ does not do it enough justice. It’s a  glorious proof what a human being can do when inspired to let his/her imagination fly  far and high enough to be able to creatively reproduce other world’s wonders out of an unforgettable landscape.   An anthem to the human attempt to be part of the ‘world’ and have Greece, Rome and Egypt in one place..........Faantastic!

I was in Petra several months before it became  a World Wonder (and I voted for it). This is why I am writing this to you and you decide what you want to do with my letter.  If you want to publish it or pass it to some paper in  Jordan, it might reach some decision makers.

I do understand that prices should go up. Of course they should. It’s a world wonder and if one wants to enjoy it, one should pay for it.  And, yes, I was surprised to see that many prices are as in London, but again, that’s acceptable too – both Petra and London are worth  visiting and spending...

But,  with a raising of cost  the quality of services should go up too. There should be no excuse anymore. No place in London charges 33JD  for the entrance only to let its visitors wonder along parts of (big) Petra, such as river bed, full or rubbish, mainly plastic bottles and plastic rugs and begs. Wadi Musa is a story per se:  water 3-4 times more expensive than in London, food prices even in the very modest / budget restaurants like in  London, some more expensive (fresh orange juice!).  What is surprising – Crown Plaza  is safest place to eat simply because prices are as in the menu and – surprisingly, not always higher than in local restaurants whose offers are of a modest quality and freshness  Yet, fresh fruit and vegetables are almost impossible to buy in  the part of Wadi Musa close to Petra. If available they are overpriced. Should we bargain about everything?  I don’t have time and I don’t want to. This is a world spot and should treat its self and its admirers accordingly.

Three years ago I stayed in Crown Plaza. This time I wanted to support local economy, paid  for 3-star private hotel (price  again like in the same category hotel in London). What I got for the money? Building works no one bothered to tell us about when we did booking. I do understand the manager’s explanation that ‘development was planned ‘ and that hotel needs development. But why this was not included in the price? Why I was not informed in advance so to have a choice? Why should we, guests, be the only ones to suffer because of the building works?  There  were days when it’s dangerous to sit on the room balcony or use the swimming pool,  for rain of rubbles falls all over the place.  Add to it a phone in the room which was not working for 5 days, internet which was available only occasionally  and the 10% discount we fought for at the end is not what would bring me back to the same hotel again.

Greediness has taken a big step among vendors of all sorts in Wadi Musa.  They welcome only 1-day  or a couple of hours tourists. Quick visit – quick money.  But, there are two  great news from there – Petra is still a wonder over wonders and Bedouins (all of those whom we met) still keep their old ethics. Bedouins with their wisdom (and knowledge of the world politics and life and English and their genuine hospitality are worth coming back. So, I will come back, happy to pay the prices like in London, but I expect the same value for money.

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