‘We need to expand civic space not shrink- “Danish ambassador to Jordan

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The nonresident Danish ambassador to Jordan Ms. Merte Juhl told Jordanians and diplomats on June 22nd that her country’s commitment to human rights, media freedom, gender equality, and youth employment is solid. "Through the Danish Arab Partnership Program, we work with state and public institutions and support their efforts to engage in dialogue with civil society organizations and actors on important topics such as human rights, media freedom, gender equality, and youth employment."


Juhl who is ambassador to Jordan and Lebanon focused on the importance of a strong civil society. "In our view, the right answer to popular discontent and protests can never be to limit basic rights or restrict freedom of speech. We need to expand civic space in Jordan; not shrink it."


The Danish ambassador who is ending her four-year diplomatic appointment expressed appreciation for Jordan’s ability to bear the burden as a host country to refugees through development assistance, promoting the protection, living conditions, and self-sufficiency of refugees and host communities. "We do these things in partnership with Jordanian NGOs, community leaders, businesses, and others in Jordan. As such, a strong civil society is a basis for our joint efforts."




Below is the full text of her speech held at the home of Denmark’s Honorary Consul Rudin Kawwar in Amman, Jordan




National Day Celebration and Farewell Reception,


Amman, 22 June 2022




A warm welcome to this celebration of the National Day of Denmark and farewell reception.


I would like to thank the Honorary Consul General of Den[1]mark, Mr. Rudain Kawar, for hosting us tonight.


Also, I am very pleased to see so many friends of Denmark and fellow Danes gathered here tonight.


This year’s celebration of Denmark’s National Day is a special one. Not only is it the first time we get to gather on this occasion in Jordan since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.


It is also the last National Day celebration I will attend as Ambassador to Jordan, as my mission is coming to an end this summer.


Looking back, the COVID pandemic and lockdowns have, of course, made a big impact on my time as Ambassador.


For me, it meant that I was not able to visit Jordan as often as I would have liked to. However, for Jordanians and refugees in this country, the consequences have been much worse.


The pandemic has worsened Jordan’s economic problems. Although some recovery has taken place, unemployment continues to be high. A growing part of Jordan’s population is struggling to make ends meet.


The streets of Amman and elsewhere have seen popular pro[1]tests. There is frustration with the current state of affairs and calls for reform, to tackle corruption and other important issues.


In order to remain a stable country, Jordan will face the task of, not just economic recovery, but also political and governance reform in the coming years.


The work has already begun and is ongoing, with the launch of a new economic vision and reforms to encourage the political engagement of youth and women and strengthen the democratic role of political parties.


It is clear to me that for these reforms to be successful, it will be necessary for civil society to have space. Civil society needs the ability to express its concerns and grievances and to be given the opportunity to support and contribute to these important reforms.


At this point in time, it is worthwhile remembering why Den[1]mark celebrates its National Day. We do so to honor the adoption of the Danish constitution – or ‘Grundloven’ - on June 5, 1849. Our constitution has formed a key building block for democracy in Denmark.


It safeguards basic democratic freedoms and rights that we as Danes hold dear. These include the separation of powers, freedom of speech, universal adult suffrage, and inclusion in political processes.

We carry these values with us wherever we go. So, too, in Jordan.


Through the Danish Arab Partnership Program, we work with state and public institutions and support their efforts to engage in dialogue with civil society organizations and actors on important topics such as human rights, media freedom, gender equality, and youth employment.


As donors, we also support Jordan’s ability to bear the burden as a host country to refugees through development assistance, promoting the protection, living conditions, and self-sufficiency of refugees and host communities.


We do these things in partnership with Jordanian NGOs, community leaders, businesses, and others in Jordan. As such, a strong civil society is a basis for our joint efforts.


That is why, in our view, the right answer to popular discontent and protests can never be to limit basic rights or restrict freedom of speech. We need to expand civic space in Jordan; not shrink it.


Along with the rest of the international community in Jordan, we will continue to make our voices heard in this regard.


The initiatives that I mentioned just now are also a testament to the strong ties between Jordan and Denmark. And as Ambassador, I have been lucky enough to rely on the very capable and professional assistance of many people here in Jordan.


Among them is our host, the Honorary Consul General of Denmark, Mr. Rudin Kawar. I often say that the Consulate here in Amman has to be the most beautiful of all the Consulates that Denmark has around the world. It is truly impressive.


In addition, your hospitality, and ability to open doors for Denmark are second to none. I really appreciate your efforts.

Please accept my sincere gratitude to you and your family for keeping up with us Danes for so many years, and for all the assistance and support provided to me during my tenure as Ambassador.


Through these past years, I have had the chance to explore Jordan, traveling the country with my own family. And I have seen and experienced the famous Jordanian hospitality and the richness of this country’s history and culture.


Over time, Jordan has come to hold a special place in my heart. And I look forward to returning here as a visitor in years to come.



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