Youth starts king promises’ countdown

Youth starts king promises’ countdown
الرابط المختصر

Jordanian youths are into hypothetical debate about what things are heading to on the real world after the end of the 10 days that His Majesty King Abdullah II promised to end the intervene of the security apparatus in the university campuses.

The youth at universities who was divided as some were optimistic and others were afraid, hurried up to express their stances and desires in the social network communication website facebook .

In the tense of expressing their desires, the set a descending number that starts with 10, which is the date when the King met with the group of youth who conveyed his message that such security intervenes will come to an end by 10 days. This counter ends at the 0 day which is the day when His Majesty’s promise should start.

An argument started by Rana, a student at the Hashemite University, when she asked, how many days passed from the 10 days? Mohammad, a Yarmouk University student, replied and said; one day passed, 9 to go.

Both Mohammad and Rana are students at different universities who suffered, according to them, from the continuous call in from the security apparatus as well as the periodic calls from the GID.

Ten royal days raised the freedom ceiling in the pages of the hypothetical world to see students, who already harassed by the security apparatuses, tell their stories over the net and make fun of them. They even mentioned the names of those who interviewed them at the GID.

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