TedxDeadSea - A Home Coming!

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Imagine leaving your homeland at 17 to start college education in a faraway place. Away from family, friends and everything you knew and used to.  The homeland was Jordan, where I was born.  The faraway place was America. This is my story.

Back in 1980, going to America was still a big deal.  At least for me it was.

Fast forward thirty years that passed in the blink of an eye.  Received the degree in Engineering (education goal accomplished), started working in the field of Building Codes, software development, producing and monetizing online content for building codes and engineering (creativity and entrepreneurship goal), got married to a beautiful woman that gave me two awesome boys (optional, but my best accomplishment)- a wonderful life in that faraway place that became home for me.

Longing to Jordan and the people of Jordan, family and friends, never leaves you. It just doesn’t. It’s in your blood. It stays with you. You cannot stop thinking about it and reminisce. I don’t know what it is. Maybe something in the air there. Maybe it’s the mansaf— but it’s something!

Discovering social media in the past couple of years was Godsend. One of the most exciting things about it, is that now I can keep with what is going on in Jordan, in real time. It was Twitter that was the conduit for finding about TedxDeadSea and meeting the talented and passionate organizers of this first-class conference.

Being familiar with and a great fan of Tedx; having the first Tedx in Jordan is such an accomplishment and I have no doubt it will be an unequalled experience for all to remember years from now and a continuation for many more Tedx’s and Technology-related conferences in Jordan. The list of impressive and inspiring speakers that await us is second to none.

I finally figured out the movers and shakers on Twitter talking about Jordan. They became my link to what was going on in Jordan.  Now I know almost everything exciting, challenging and inspiring that takes place there. Although I’m some 8000 miles away, at times it feels like I’m right there with them.

I’ve had the privilege of engaging with brilliant, forward-thinking, Jordan-loving individuals on Twitter with exceptional entrepreneurship spirits. They stand out among the thousands located throughout the world.

Jordan’s pool of talent, women and men, is amazing, inspiring and I’m so proud of what they are trying to do for Jordan and for the betterment of themselves, people around them and their entire region. The technology sector, along with individuals engaged with social issues to improve on the beloved Jordan and its people is of most interest to me.

I’m looking so forward to meeting you at TedxDeadSea soon in person inshalla’. This would be the highlight of my upcoming trip to Jordan.

And that is why TedxDeadSea is like Coming Home for me after all these years.

Contributed by (Imad NaffaImad’s Corner)

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