Syrian Acting Ambassador: Jordan raises the level of diplomatic representation in Syria

Syrian Acting Ambassador: Jordan raises the level of diplomatic representation in Syria
الرابط المختصر

Aloush: Jordanian-Syrian relations should be distinct nevertheless the reality of the situation does not reflect this

Aloush: There are those who don’t have an interest in bringing together Arab-Syrian-Jordanian

Aloush: We in Syria, want to look forward to our relationship with Jordan


Acting Syrian ambassador, Ayman Aloush, revealed in a statement to AmmanNet that Jordan has raised the level of representation in Syria by appointing a diplomat by the title of “consultant” to its embassy in Damascus, stating “maintaining the levels of ambition of both countries”.


Aloush told AmmanNet that Syria is looking forward to its relationship with Jordan, asserting that the strength of Jordan is the strength of Syria.


He believes: “The importance of raising levels of diplomatic representation reflects the brotherly relation between the two countries.”


Aloush’s statement comes from a special interview conducted by the director of Radio Balad Ataf Al Rowdan. The following text is of the interview:


How do you see the role of Jordan’s relationship with Syria in the near future, especially after the recent positive developments between the two countries?


If we want to talk about the historical, geographical and cultural truth, then we see that the relation between the two countries should be distinct, especially since the people demand it. However, the reality of the situation does not reflect this.

Will we reach a higher coordination in vital fields such as economy, reconstruction, co-operation and co-ordination, security and information and the war-on-terror?


The Jordanian situation is complicated due to its economic crisis and the pressures and political conditions imposed upon it. In terms of its relationship with the Syrian state, there are developments in the relationship between the two countries but it hasn’t taken the political dimension required, except in a few fields. It certainly reflects the political will of Jordan to strengthen its relations with Syria based on its belief in this, but the pressure of some countries still prevents this.

Recently, Syria has visited many delegations in all fields. Leadership had positive things to say about Syria’s keenness on Jordan, in terms of security and economy. As President Bashar Al Assad said, “we do not look back.”


Will we see a full restoration of diplomatic relations between the two countries in the near future?

We in Syria look forward to our relationship with Jordan and its strength, for it’s a force for Syria. We believe that Jordan has raised the level of representation in Syria by appointing a diplomat by the title of “consultant” to its embassy in Damascus, stating “maintaining the levels of ambition of both countries”.


Our enemy is the Zionist occupying our dear Palestine, and our brother-nation Jordan is targeted just as Syria was targeted. If Syria was targeted militarily, then Jordan is targeted economically, being weakened and blackmailed politically and militarily. We are fully confident that there is no difference between our two countries. As our history, our future and our strength in consolidating our relations reflects the level of ambition in both countries.


Translated by: Ayesha Patel and Sumaiyah Amin



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