Reverend Bashar Nemat reelected head of Alliance Church in Jordan and Palestine

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The council of the Christian Alliance Church in Jordan and Palestine reelected reverend Bashar Nemat as head of the council for a second three-year term. This was during a meeting on Friday 28th February in Amman.

Bishop Nemat said that his vision for the future focuses on preparing new pastors and leaders   from new generation and to support the social and development needs of our local community as well as helping strengthen family relations. “Because the next stage is very important our priorities will include awareness and the unity of the evangelical churches in Jordan.” The general assembly praised the current accomplishments that were performed under the leadership of bishop Nemat.

The Alliance Church was established in 1890 in Jerusalem and expanded in 1920 to Madada and it was referred to as being recognized in the official gazette in 1927.

The Alliance Church includes nine churches in Jordan and four in the Holy Land, the work includes social, development, educational and help to the disabled. The church serves the community with all its members and gives importance to   issues of citizenship, human service and the values of love and acceptance of the other.

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