Public sector shutdown except health institutes, mass transport, inter-governorates travel stopped

الرابط المختصر

The government has just announced a series of measures to fight the novel coronavirus to be implemented tomorrow, Wednesday, March 18, for two weeks as follows:

-Suspending work hours for all public departments and institutions, except for vital sectors to be determined by the Prime Minister based on the recommendation of the concerned minister.

-Suspending work hours for the private sector, except for the entire health sector, and vital sectors to be determined by the Prime Minister based on the recommendations of the Minister of Industry, Trade, and Supply.

-Preventing the gathering of more than 10 people.

-Preventing movement between governorates.

-Stopping medical operations. Work is limited to emergency cases and emergency operations.

-Stopping the printing of newspapers, as they raise the risk of virus transmission.

-Suspending mass transportation.

- Pharmacies, ration centers, bakeries and food, drug, water and fuel supply chains will continue to operate.

-Setting up quarantine camps on the land ports for Jordanians returning through them. Jordanians abroad are urged to stay home and follow the procedures of prevention and safety determined by the countries hosting them.

All precautionary and preventive decisions and measures shall be applied as of tomorrow at 8:00 am for two weeks.

The cabinet has called on people not to leave their homes except in the most urgent cases.

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