Mosaic radio program featuring Jordan’s pluralism

Mosaic radio program featuring Jordan’s pluralism
الرابط المختصر

On the folkloric music, and wearing their national customus and serving their popular foods, three Jordanian ethnic groups (Circassians, Chechnyans and Kurds) celebrated Tuesday Febr 12th their training program at Radio al Balad. The training of young Jordanians of different backgrounds was concluded with a pilot program that reflects their causes and delivers their authentic  voices.



Over five continuous days, the trainees learned about radio reporting and production and were given a chance to introduce their cultures and traditions to the radio audience.



The idea of the program entitled Jordanian Mosaic is aimed at providing audio space on radio al Bald so that members of the Jordanian communities can represent themselves by producing a 30 minute program that talks about music, culture, and  traditions.




 Maher SHishani one of the participants in the training says “the project gives us a chance to express ourselves as part of the Jordanian society.”



 Sara Abatha says that participating in the training program has given her a chance to understand how community radio works and how to produce a radio program. We were able to produce a program about Circassians in a professional way.



 For Afnan Hussein who graduated with a media degree will allow her to use this new opportunity to relate the Kurdish culture and to correct the many misconceptions about Kurds.




Etaf Roudan, the director of Radio al Balad explains that by making air time available to this group contributes to the positive image of the plurality of the citizens of Jordan.




There are no official statistics of the various components of Jordanian society but history books says that the Circassians came from the Caucasian areas for the first time in 1858 and the emigrations increases in 1864 and 1878.



  Chechnyans settled in different areas of Amman since 1911 and some live in Zarqa, Rusifah and Sweileh. Kurds came to Jordan in 1173 and are based in the old town of Salt. The training and the pilot program was funded by the Copenhagen based International Media Support.


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