More than 50 Thousand Syrians Await Impending Military Strike Near the Jordanian Border

More than 50 Thousand Syrians Await Impending Military Strike Near the Jordanian Border
الرابط المختصر

Tens of thousands of Syrians are waiting for an impending military strike on Syria and selection of its first target site. In expectation of the coming declaration, they have stationed themselves to enter Jordanian territory through its northern border after the evacuation of villages in Syria.

According to an AmmanNet source who preferred to remain anonymous, tens of thousands of refugees are waiting in Syrian villages, deciding either to return to Syria or to seek refuge in Jordan.

The same source said that, according to UNHCR estimates, more than 50 thousand Syrians are waiting in the village of Tel Shehab near the Jordanian border, unable to enter Jordanian territory as a refugee.

The source also said, according to information provided to Jordan by the UNHCR, Syrians in this village will decide to enter Jordan in the event of any emergency, and will then decide to either return to Syria or head to the Jordanian border.

A military source told AmmanNet that 198 Syrian refugees managed on Thursday to enter Jordanian territory, where 12 of their sick sought relief and were transferred to hospitals. At the same time, the source stressed that there are no cases of infiltration through Jordanian territory into Syria.

For full story, see Arabic.

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