Lawsuit against Al-Kooz, sit-in at parliament

Lawsuit against Al-Kooz, sit-in at parliament
الرابط المختصر

Lawyer Ahmad Al-Najdawi has filed a lawsuit against MP Mohammad Al-kooz as he accused him with sectarianism on light of his previous statement in which he insulted participants at marches and their organizers.

MP Al-Kooz has previously described those who participate at the marches as scapegraces and scoundrels while he replied to the ministerial statement and asked such participants to go to King Hussein Bridge for marching, in a reference to Jordanians from Palestinian origins.

This lawsuit was filed following a signing campaign led by prominent media and political figures to hold Al-Kooz responsible for his statement.

The lawsuit filed by Najdawi is the second against the MP as lawyer Mohammad Khreisat filed another one prior to this case at the Magistrate's Penalty Court for libel and slander against participants in anti-government marches.

MP Al-Kooz has already apologized through Al-Balad Radio for what he said. The same apology was issued from his own office in a later stage.

The House of Representatives has ordered to delete the statement of Al-Kooz from the minutes of the session after his third apology in front of the parliament.

In the same context, ‘boycotters for change campaign’ has organized a sit-in in front of the parliament building in protest for Al-Kooz’s statement and his inconclusive apology he made.

The campaign is calling for deleting the MP from the parliament instead of deleting his statement only.

‘Boycotters for change campaign’ has reiterated that it is going to stage its sit-in on Tuesday in front of the ‘111’, ‘illusion’, ‘cursing’ and ‘law hindering’ parliament, the parliament, as the group call it.

The campaign has added that the current parliament cannot be a real partner at the political reform process as one election voice and secondary constituencies can only result in a parliament with MPs like Al-Kooz.

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