The Jordanian Test

الرابط المختصر

It took too long for Prime Minister Netanyahu to admit that the cancellation of the flight to Abu Dhabi was caused by the royal palace in Amman and not by the sudden surgery of his wife. In the simplest terms: a day after the dispute over the number of armed security guards of Jordanian Crown Prince Hussein, King Abdullah rolled up his sleeves and gave an unequivocal order to prevent the passage of Netanyahu's plane in Amman, on his way to the Gulf. His foreign minister, Ayman Safadi, also hinted at what Netanyahu was doing.

It should be noted that Saudi Arabia also sent a similar message, which will not allow the passage of the prime minister's plane in its territory. King Abdullah, it is important to note, visited Saudi Arabia in the middle of last week, and received an endearing welcome. According to a senior source in Amman, the Saudi heir, contrary to what Netanyahu's entourage claims, has no plans to take over the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Thus, the options were closed, and Netanyahu's meeting with the crown prince, Muhammad bin Zayed, for the purpose of an election ad campaign, was postponed, at best.

We were left with a bitter taste. King Abdullah no longer keeps his thoughts about Netanyahu a secret. Five years ago, in an interview with a British newspaper, the King of Jordan surprised the public with the revelation that "the most difficult days in my reign were - and remain until now - the days when I have to face Netanyahu. Since then, Netanyahu has tried to schedule meetings, and the King has refused. And Ashkenazi has been summoned to meetings, and the king is preparing to present to President Biden the map of relations with Israel: almost everything, especially security cooperation, except for Netanyahu.

In Israel, a group of thirty to forty generals, statesmen, academics and senior businessmen are quietly working to maintain relations with Jordan. The group's leaders run between the chambers, making every effort to explain why relations with Jordan are important. For many years, they would explain, Jordan was the poor little sister who was careful (even today) to maintain the long border with Israel from the infiltration of terrorists, terrorists and arms and drug smugglers. Israel has learned to trust the Jordanian force with its eyes closed. 

And in the process, we developed two schools of thought. The first supports the continuation of King Abdullah's rule, assuming that a Jordanian ruler is better to Israel than any other possibility. The second school has engraved on its banner the slogan "Abdullah will be the last king," followed by the unification of the two banks of the Jordan, into Palestinian rule. Now what is better for Israel? Will a Palestinian leader, whoever he is, cooperate with IDF soldiers and security forces? Imagine a situation where the head of the united Palestinian state will be a Fatah representative but his deputy will come from Hamas. Do not rub your eyes, this possibility is definitely on the table, as a bone-chilling scenario. Will there be one moment of silence?

King Abdullah, just like Netanyahu, is preparing for a meeting with the new president at the White House. At the American embassies and in Amman, every crumb of information is collected. It is safe to believe that the continuing tension between the chambers has not gone unnoticed by diplomats. Abdullah is sending a message to Washington that Jordan continues to be a partner in peace, that he sees eye to eye with President Biden the Palestinian solution and for him, if there is no dramatic turnaround, Netanyahu is stuck like a bone in his throat.

Original in Hebrew can be seen here


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