A Jordanian 350.org Work Party: Planting Trees In Mafraq

A Jordanian 350.org Work Party: Planting Trees In Mafraq
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On October 9th, 2010, the Youth Association for Reality & Awareness (YARA), in collaboration with 7iber, organized a tree planting in Mafraq as part of a global event to combat climate change. On a windy day in Mafraq, young volunteers from all over Amman, that included everyone from Aramex staff to Ruwwad community center youth, chipped in to play their part in the global 350.org event, joining 7,347 events in over 188 countries around the world in the same battle. With everyone’s help, around 550 olive trees were planted on a plot of 10,000 square meters.

Thank you to all those who supported the cause in whatever way they could.

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