Head of the EU delegation to Jordan works closely with Jordan to advance reform and human rights

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The head of the European Union delegation to Jordan Maria Hadjitheodosiou said that the EU’s efforts with Jordan are based on the desire of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the guidance of the king. “Jordan has made it clear by its signing of international conventions and the directives of His Majesty that it is committed to the path of reform and human rights. Our cooperation with the government of Jordan and with civil society comes from a Jordanian desire in this area.”

The statements of the EU official came as part of a lecture she gave as a guest of the Rotary Cosmopolitan club in Amma’s Four Season Hotel Wednesday.

The European diplomat said that the position of Brussels regarding the latest U.S. proposal has not changed. “We support the two-state solution based on international resolutions.”

In answer to a question about how EU funding is structured, Hadjtheodosiou said that the overall policies of the European Union are decided in Brussels and that the search with local governments is to find shared interests.

She said that in the next seven years, Europe is interested in Education, Economic stability, climate change, transportation, women’s empowerment, legislative reform and legal institutional improvement.

“Our activities focus in large part on the support of governments and the legal sector through training with the Jordanian Judicial Institute. We also work closely with civil society.”

At the end of the lecture, the Rotary president Ghada Fanek presented the EU ambassador with the Cosmopolitan club’s flag.

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