Have Your Say: What is a leader?

Have Your Say: What is a leader?
الرابط المختصر

Leadership, leadership, leadership. These days, it seems that everyone is being trained on how to be a leader.

The Jordan River Foundation recently completed a program, Youth Leadership Program 2010, to train leaders to be more active in their communities. The program targets youth volunteers providing them with necessary skills and training to enable them to become active leaders of their communities. A wide range of activities were employed to help the participants, ages ranging from 18-22 to be more active in their community.

Leadership is an interesting topic. Some argue, as in this , that leadership isn’t about leading, but being a brave follower in something you believe. Not everyone can lead, argues the video.

What is leadership? What does it mean to be a leader? What qualities do leaders, here in Jordan, need to have? Can we train leaders, or are leaders born with it? Do followers need the same qualities as the leaders themselves? Are leadership trainings successful?

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