Google News Initiative Contributes to AmmanNet

الرابط المختصر

Google News has awarded a Jordanian news website financial support in order to help them overcome the effects of COVID-19.

The global Journalism Emergency Relief Fund contributed through the Google News Initiative $12,500 to the Jordan’s not for profit Community Media Network which runs AmmanNet news website. The contribution aims “to support small and medium-sized news organizations producing original news for local communities.”

Daoud Kuttab director general of Community Media Network which run Radio al Balad and Ammannet website welcomed the support. “At a time when revenue is dwindling due to the digitalization of advertising it is good to see a digital giant such as google try to fill in the gap that has been created due to the changes in the business model of media. This is especially true to small and independent media outlets.”

The fund is made available to small and medium-sized news organizations producing original news for local communities during this time of crisis.

Winning news organization must have a digital presence and have been in operation for at least 12 months. The Fund is targeted at newsrooms employing between 2 - 100 full-time employee (FTE) journalists.

Eligible applicants need to have a focus on core news provision, i.e. not lifestyle, sports, business-to-business. Eligible applicants can include for-profit or nonprofit traditional news organizations, digital natives, radio and/or TV broadcasters.

Ammannet, the Arab world’s first internet radio, is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. In November 2000, AmmanNet was established under the initial sponsorship of UNESCO and the Greater Ammannet Municipality.

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