The day after a true, full-fledged constitutional monarchy

The day after a true, full-fledged constitutional monarchy
الرابط المختصر

When the sun comes up tomorrow, we, the people of Jordan, will wake up to a new Jordan.

The Jordan we've been writing letters to the King about.

The Jordan we've been hashtagging reform over.

The inclusive Jordan we've been protesting for.

The Jordan where 10 months from this day the representatives deserving of our votes will cast theirs for our prime minister.

The diverse Jordan where no matter who you are and where your family's from, no one ever asks nor judges.

The Jordan with a legal system that fights with might for our rights.

The Jordan with a vibrant creative & cultural community sharing the colorful stories of us that make us cry together, laugh together, dream together.

The Jordan contributing to an exciting and growing regional economy.

The Jordan where our human dignity and collective consciousness dwell proud.

It's finally here. Our reinvented Jordan.

A continuation of what was, and from this day a whole new journey.

Who would we each be?

How would we see each other?

What would we do?

What would our dialog in the public sphere revolve around?

Can we imagine that?

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