CDFJ: Freedom of Expression and the Media is the Basis of Sustainable Development

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3rd May 2023, Center for Defending Freedom of Journalists (CDFJ) calls on Arab governments to pay attention to supporting freedom of expression and the media, stressing that it is a basic way to move towards achieving sustainable development.

On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, CDFJ said, "Public freedoms and human rights are being restricted, and discussions in the public sphere are subjected to increasing restrictions. These environments do not serve countries in achieving the desired political and economic reforms".

CDFJ emphasized that monitoring the reality of media freedom in the Arab world clearly shows a lack of interest in ensuring the right of access to information for journalists and the media, and that there is a weakness of proactive disclosure of information, which violates the standards of transparency and accountability.

Moreover, CDFJ warns that the space for independent media is shrinking, governments do not accept critical voices, and the executive authority and its arms control the media in direct and indirect ways, which deprives these societies from the advantage of diversity in media platforms.

The Center also said that legislations still do not guarantee media freedoms, and are used as a tool for restriction, as some of them allow the imposition of penalties for prior arrest and imprisonment in cases related to freedom of expression, in addition to exorbitant financial penalties, which exhaust this right, as well as the fact that these laws are not compatible with international treaties and agreements ratified by these countries.

Further, CDFJ expressed concerns about the restrictions imposed on the freedom of the Internet and social media platforms, pointing out that social media platforms expanded the margins of freedom, gave people the opportunity to express their opinions more freely, and contributed to their ability to discuss issues affecting their societies.

The Center opposed trends to impose restrictions on social media platforms under the pretext of protecting society from hate speech, incitement to violence, and misleading and fake news.

CDFJ announced its firm stance against hate speech, incitement to violence, and the dangers of false and misleading news, but expressed its fear that slogans for fighting hate speech would be used to restrict freedom of expression and the media.

CDFJ called on governments to adopt policies supportive of the media, and to set plans and strategies with a time frame, and measurement indicators that would help promote independent media that reflects the diversity of societies, calling for starting the establishment of independent funds that provide financial support for independent media, as a lever for democracy, and a guarantor for the availability of various information that is credible to the public.

CDFJ has also called for an international campaign of solidarity to support freedom of expression after its decline, and to work seriously to prevent those who violate this right from impunity, stressing that the real test for governments is not to make promises and slogans, but rather practices that protect freedoms and rights on the ground, especially  freedom of expression and the media.

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