Call for Bids: The Privatization of the Jordanian Parliament

Call for Bids: The Privatization of the Jordanian Parliament
الرابط المختصر

National Call for bids:

In the framework of the Jordanian state's policy to disengage from political and social decision making processes and in its pursuit for full fledged privatization and liberalization of its legislative constitutional authority, it has been decided to sell the 120 seats of the Jordanian Parliament in a natioanl public auction based on competitive financial offers by individual investors/ candidates.

Interested investors are encouraged to obtain a copy of bid specifications from the Government of Jordan- Ministry of Political Development. Bids are to be submitted by the 9th of November 2010 as per the modalities and format detailed in the bid specifications.

There should be no need whatsoever for a technical, political and programmatic offer. No CVs are to be accepted or assessed. Only financial offers will be evaluated according to the highest bid standards. Special preferences will be given to investors with proven loyalty to the political and economic elite of the country in case two bids are equal in offers. Tribal, racial and religious balance check cards will be used for the final decision of bids acceptance.

The investors should be able to provide the following documents upon submitting their bids

1- A signed disclosure statement of no intention to oppose general policies unless for tactical promotional uses subject to the prior approval by relevant authorities.

2- A signed statement of no conflict of interest with the political and economic elite network.

3- A signed statement of no infections with any political activities and symptoms that can be contagious to other investors.

Successful investors will be offered the folowing incentives:

1- A tax free fancy car for personal and professional uses free from any custome checking upon leave from, or arrival into the country.

2- A monthly salary for 4 years in addition to any other retirement salary.

3- The ability to have preferential treatment while applying for construction and other bids offered by the government.

4- The ability to hire a total of 200 relatives in the span of four years in public institutions subject to increase provided the national economy has improved to enhance public spending.

5- A total of fully paid 100 nights in travels outside Jordan during 4 years without any requirements for reporting back.

6- The chance for 4 anti-government opposition statements to be sold to the public.

7- Preferential treatment for any commercial activity involving trade and finance.

8- The ability to directly influence 4 laws in a way that proves profitable for the investor's own financial benefits.

9- No investigation for corruption and misconduct for any investor's financial transactions provided he abides with the conditions mentioned above. Total immunity will be provided.

10- Information will be provided to all investors on the future trends for increase in land and real states prices for informed investment decision making.

Any other previlages and incentives will be a function of the individual investor's networking abilities.

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