Arab Evangelicals reject Pompeo

 brigadier general Imad Mayyah
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Retired brigadier general Imad Mayyah expressed astonishment at the attempts to involve evangelicals in the statement by U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that legitimized illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Mayyah who is the head of the association of Evangelical Churches in Jordan and Palestine said that evangelicals have nothing to do with the settlement issues and that Jordanian evangelicals had sent a letter to President Trump calling on him not to move the US embassy to Jerusalem and to listen to the sisodm of King Abdullah who is the custodian of Christian and Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem, the capital of the state of Palestine.

The statement came in response to attempts by a Christian Zionist in Jerusalem Michael Evans who has attacked Jordan in the past and who said that Pompeo's statement was an answer to prayers. Mayyah said that evangelicals in the east refuse attempts to justify and legitimize illegal settlements using the wrong interpretation of the bible.

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