Ambassador Millett: Jordan’s Security and the Refugee Issue is a Priority for Britain

Ambassador Millett: Jordan’s Security and the Refugee Issue is a Priority for Britain
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British ambassador Peter Millet, in a visit to Amman, emphasized that Jordan’s security and solving the Palestinian refugee problem is the most important issue for Britain in the Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations.


During the special meeting with Radio Balad with Muhammad Arsan, Millett added that United Kingdom supports the efforts of Secretary of State John Kerry in the region, especially in reaching a framework of mutual understanding as the current negotiations between the different parties


He noted that though the UK might be an observer in the negotiations over which the United States is presiding, it would play any official role.


As for the process of reform in Jordan, Millet emphasized that though there are a number of areas that require immediate reform, overall the Kingdom has made much progress. Moreover, he stressed that the process of reform is comprehensive and requires an expansive national dialogue that includes all stratas of society in order to establish a clear framework in which everyone can participate.

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