Al-Nsour: Bakhit Government become burden

Al-Nsour: Bakhit Government become burden
الرابط المختصر

MP Abdullah Al-Nsour accused the government of covering up the investigation of the convicted businessman Khaled Shaheen. The MP told 'AmmanNet' that the investigation will be concluded in a maximum of four days because the government is attempting to draw attention away from other corruption charges he is accused of.

Al-Nsour criticized the medical committee decision for allowing the convicted Shaheen to travel, given that the same doctor who permitted the travel previously performed surgeries similar to those Shaheen traveled to undergo.  The doctor treated a number of prominent political figures including Iraqi President Jalal Talebani as well as the former President of the Iraqi Parliament.

He also pointed out the lack of seriousness of the government in its ability to fight corruption referring to the transfer of corruption files from the government to the anti-corruption committee. He questioned the idea that a department directly under the supervision of the PM is the party responsible for investigation and  questioned: How can the supervisor investigate his own employees?

Al-Nsour refused to comment on the ongoing conflict among ministers but stated that having different points of view is a positive thing, it's conflicts that are negative and could lead to a loss of cohesion within the government and become a burden. However, currently it has become a burden.

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