Al-Hadeed: Jordan to choose between reform, demise

Al-Hadeed: Jordan to choose between reform, demise
الرابط المختصر

Retired Major General and strategic researcher Musa Al-Hadeed has warned of the elevated intensity of the public demands in light of the lack of official response for reform calls.

Al-Hadeed reiterated on the importance of self response as he called on officials to respond immediately and not to wait until these demands increased turn into something serious as an only option for being late in meeting these demands.

The Major General added that the king is aware of the importance of the political movement and Al-Hadeed is expecting a recent respond to meet the demands of the Jordanians regardless with their political, social, and cultural backgrounds.

Musa indicated at the fact that the democratic transform comes to confront what Jordan is going through currently of threats to its existence and the danger of real demise due to the internal and external factors that covers the build of the Jordanian state.

He also explained in a symposium at the Middle East Study Centre with its address ‘indications and horizons of the political and public changes in the Arab World’, the danger Jordan is to face in case the current situation continued. He also pointed at the dangers Jordanians discovered earlier without any respond from the authorities:

If we will talk about the internal issue, Jordan suffers from massive corruption cases that fill every angle of the state, in addition to the ability within the Jordanian society to be divided based on ethnic and area bases in a way that gives powers in the kingdom the chance to take advantage of it.

And if we turn into the external side, Hadeed mentioned that the most important danger lies in the Zionist project that looks, in its best case scenario, at Jordan as a country for Palestinians, and at its worst case scenario, at Jordan as part of Israel that should be occupied again.

Al-Hadeed said that the reason why Jordanians going in this movement is the internal environment and what is related to it regarding the relationship with the authority as well as the double sided Jordanian-Palestinian relation and what accompanied it of strategic mistakes, not to mention the Zionist danger.

The exit from this current situation, according to the retired military man, is represented in the authorities’ commitment of the social contract formula and its basic rules and not to get out of it. Another way out of these circumstances is the coexistence between the people and the highest powers in a way that achieves ambitions of both of them.

Al-Hadeed concluded by concentrating on the importance of creating a comprehensive political development environment and establishing an elastic and transparent election law as well as rules that guarantee the fact that the Jordanian people is the recourse of authorities.

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